Spring Weather
Posted on March 26 2019With the spring weather here, just a reminder that the playground will be wet and muddy. Please send your student in appropriate boots ,etc.! Thank you
With the spring weather here, just a reminder that the playground will be wet and muddy. Please send your student in appropriate boots ,etc.! Thank you
Students and staff will be participating in Winter Walk Day on Wednesday, February 6! Dress warm everyone!
Jan 16 is Career Day for grade K - 9! We welcome and thank all our guest speakers!
Swimming starts for students on January 21! Check our website calendar to confirm dates and times for your students!
We are now accepting registrations for the 2019-2020 school year for ECS - Gr 9. Please stop by for a registration package or to have any questions answer. You can also go to our parents tab and…
The Week of Dec 17-20 students and staff are invited to dress festive everyday and bring the spirit of Christmas to Father Lacombe hallways. Note these are casual Festive days!
Join us for our Christmas Kickoff Movie! Polar express is playing! Snacks available for purchase. Bring your own blanket and PJ's is you wish ! Movie starts at 6 pm, doors at 5:30
Dec 3 marks the start of the Giving Tree! Students are welcome to bring an unwrapped gift for a child, either boy or girl, age 0 - 16. Thank you for your help !
Dec 5 & 6 from 4-7 pm is parent teacher interviews for ALL grades. K-6, please book through https://www.schoolbookings.net/, event code quc4h Gr 7-9, first come first serve in the gym. See you all then!
K-6 report cards go home via EMAIL on November 29. Junior high marks can be followed by parents/guardians through your Connect Ed portal.
Students are asked to bring non perishable food items to the school between October 1st to October 11th 2018. All collected donation items will be delivered by Father Lacombe students the following…
In St. Thomas Aquinas Roman Catholic Schools we speak of a journey in our Vision Statement, a foundational focus for the Division: Souls seeking Christ on a journey of faith, learning and love. The Camino…
All parents/guardians, please join us at the school on September 19 at 6:30 p.m. for our AGM and Council meeting! This is your opportunity to be an active member of the Father Lacombe family.
Our welcome back mass is on Tuesday, September 11 at 9:00 a.m at St. Stephens and our Welcome back BBQ is on Wednesday, September 12 from 12:15 - 1:30 p.m! All families are welcome to join us
Reminder that every Friday is casual/jean day at Father Lacombe!
On behalf of the staff of Father Lacombe, we would like to thank the families of Father Lacombe for your ongoing support over the 2017-2018 school year! We look forward to seeing you all in September!
As this year ends and we look to a new beginning, we have some changes and reminders here at Father Lacombe. To view our June updates, please click here.
Please join us on Tuesday, August 28 from 12:00 - 3:00 p.m. for our open house. This is an opportunity to meet your teachers, drop off supplies and see your classroom!
We love our Moms! Thank you so very much for joining the Grade 1 classes for the first ever "Muffins for Moms"
Monday, May 14 we celebrate Mothers and significant female figures in our lives. Please join us at 8:40 in the gym to pay tribute to these important ladies
To view our current AERR report, please click here
To view our current education plan, please click here
Register for the upcoming and current school year.
Register for transportation for the current and upcoming school year.
Use School Cash Online to pay fees.
Access Powerschool for parents and students.